NEWS FLASH: Bacteria is Great for Your Face (Probiotic Skincare)

Yep, exactly what you're thinking. That creepy-crawly stuff known as bacteria, some of it's good for your face, and you can get doses of these goodies through probiotic skincare.
If you're a health-conscious eater, you're likely getting regular doses of probiotics from foods like yogurt, kefir, or kimchi. For years probiotics have been celebrated for their role in improving general gut health.
Now, recent research shows that their powerful health-promoting, rejuvenating, and calming benefits can also be applied to the skin, our body's largest organ.
But first, what are probiotics?
Probiotics means for life.
Also known as good bacteria, probiotics are living organisms naturally found in our bodies. Our bodies contain 300 to 500 different strains of bacteria that make up 95% of the total cells in our body. Over 90% of all good bacteria that live in our body thrive in the small intestine, large intestine, and colon.
70% of the body's immune system is connected to the digestive tract, which means a properly functioning digestive system is essential to maintaining overall health
What does this have to do with my skin?
Our skin is also colonized by a diverse group of living microorganisms commonly referred to as biofilm. Many of them are bacteria, most of which are harmless and beneficial to us. They playa vital role in the skin's barrier function. Just as with the gut, the health of our skin is directly linked with the balance of these good and bad bacteria. Any disruptions in the balance of these organisms can result in skin disorders or infection.
How does it work?
Probiotics applied topically allow for the creation of a protective shield on your skin, preventing your cells from coming into contact with bad bacteria and develop inflammation. This can age your skin and aggravate it, causing acne or rosacea. This is known as bacterial interference.
Probiotics protect the skin and interfere with the ability of bad bugs (or bacteria and parasites) to provoke an immune reaction as explained by the American Academy of Dermatology. In this way, probiotics promote a natural balance of the skin flora, supplying the same anti-inflammatory nutritive elements to your skin that help your gut while stabilizing its immune system.
Topical probiotics have been also shown to:
- Enhance repair activity and strengthen skin barrier function, making skin more stress resistant
- Restore skin's natural equilibrium and stabilize skin's immune system
- Calm redness, sensitivity, and inflammation, such as rosacea
- Protect the skin against bad bacteria that can lead to acne
- Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles yes topical probiotics help fight aging!
While the research surrounding topical probiotics are still very early, the results have been remarkable. If you are looking to try topical probiotics, our TULA line offers you a great way to experience all the great benefits probiotics have to offer.
The word tula means balance!
We use a patented Probiotic Technology and ingredients like omega-3, 6 essential fatty acids, blueberries, turmeric, and white tea extracts to protect, strengthen, and nourish the skin. We consider our products as a healthy smoothie, feeding your skin in much the same way as a healthy diet nourishes your body.